Well, Will had his first set of immunization shots on Monday. Poor thing was given two in one thigh, one in the other thigh, and a dropper in his mouth. He sucked down the one from the dropper like a trooper. He had previously been on medicine for thrush, so he was a pro at taking liquid from medicine droppers. In fact, the nurse laughed when she didn't have to squeeze it in his mouth because he sucked it out so quickly. Then there were the shots :( As the nurse pulled out the needles, my heart started pounding. She stuck it in his leg and he had this look on his face like he was thinking about whether or not it hurt. All of a sudden, he realized it hurt very much, curled that bottom lip out, and started to cry. He only cried for a second though and was such a trooper. As the nurse was leaving the room, she looked at my Mom and I with a few tears in our eyes and said, "Are you two okay?" It was nice of her to ask. Anyway, as you can see in the pictures below Will had Bugs Bunny band aids put over the shot areas and they practically swallowed his legs. Ben was so proud of his boy as well. He could not go to the doctor as he had meetings all day at work, but I figured that was best, as we all know his history of being around needles.
After the shots, Will's Nonna got him a "Baby's Play Place" for being such a big boy during his shots. Those needles were big and he totally deserved it! It is brightly colored and tons of fun. I like it because it is super soft and is a nice spot to lay him on the floor for a midday nap. Anyway, it is one of his new favorite things to do during the day. It's fun to watch him start to recognize the different objects and smile as he learns what each item does. It's also great for tummy time. His neck is getting so strong!
Look at those band aids. (Disregard me please.)
Fascinated by the musical bee.
"Look what I can do Dad!"
How to Create Faux Reclaimed Wood Countertops
3 months ago
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